IR35 Status Review

For clients, recruiters, and consultancies trying to manage their IR35 compliance under the off-payroll working rules. We've got you.

What is Qdos Status Review?

Status Review is a complete IR35 compliance service that enables seamless compliance with the off-payroll working rules, all in an easy-to-use management tool.

IR35 compliance sorted for

£ 0*

*Assessment fee applies. Can be paid for by your organisation or your contractors, making the solution cost-free to your business

IR35 compliance made simple.

Qdos Status Review is more than just an IR35 tool. It’s a complete compliance service powered by true experts in the field.

Status Review is an independent alternative to HMRC’s Check Employment Status for Tax tool (CEST). It combines case-by-case IR35 status assessments with a management tool for recruitment agencies and end clients engaging contractors under the off-payroll working rules (OPW). For contractors looking to understand Qdos Status Review, click here.

“IR35 reform” and the “off-payroll working rules” are both terms used to refer to Chapter 10, Part 2 of ITEPA 2003. The rules apply to services provided in the public sector from 6th April 2017, and the private sector from 6th April 2021. In short, the rules mean that clients who hire personal service companies must assess the employment status of the worker, and the fee-payer (which could be the client or recruitment agency) must pay the relevant tax to HMRC.

Status Review has enabled over 2,800 engagers to comply with the off-payroll working rules with minimal disruption to their day-to-day business. It offers much-needed peace of mind and crucial support to both the public and private sectors.

No subscription fees and no minimum orders. Whether you need one assessment or 10,000, Status Review is available when you need it.

Although packed with features to make IR35 compliance easy, key to Status Review’s value is the unrivalled Qdos IR35 expertise and experience that you benefit from, and supporting services which really ensure you get that peace of mind feeling. Read our customer stories to find out more.


What does Qdos Status Review include?

IR35 Status Assessments
Individual assessments carried out by a Qdos expert
Status Determination Statements
Automatic generation and distribution of the SDS to the necessary stakeholders
Role Assessments
Advertise a new role with an indicative status
Consultancy Support
Our experts are always just on the end of the phone for any additional queries
Dispute Management
Seamlessly handle status disputes via your online portal
IR35 Insurance
£100,000 defence costs and £100,000 liability cover for every ‘outside IR35’ result
Contractor smiling

Real assessments by real experts

We believe real experience is better than an algorithm. With over 23 years of experience in handling IR35 enquiries and determining status, Qdos provides the most trusted opinion on IR35 status.
At the heart of Status Review are the case-by-case assessments of your contractors.
  • We will always make a determination - no borderline or undetermined outcomes
  • We look at the engagement as a whole. We don’t apply a rigid checklist
  • With end client sign-off and regular reassessments, you ensure reasonable care is taken
  • Our contractor-led approach creates fairness in the process and reduces disagreements

Trusted by 2,800 business just like yours

Orion Group
Qdos Status Review

IR35 compliance that’s just second nature

OPW requires more of your business than simply assessing status or paying contractors’ taxes to HMRC. Make compliance easy with Status Review’s management features:
  • Status Review automatically issues the Status Determination Statement (SDS) to the necessary parties following a completed assessment
  • We handle all end-client approvals, and any disputes through the Status Review portal
  • We keep you on track with reassessments at the time you choose, making ongoing compliance second nature
  • Status Review maintains your audit trail for you and provides complete visibility and progress updates for each party in the contractual chain

Award-winning compliance services

Best Legal, Compliance or Tax Advisor 2023
Best Contractor Insurance Provider or Broker 2023
Queen's Award for Enterprise in Innovation 2022
APSCo Trusted Partner

Ready to get IR35 compliant?

Book a discovery call with our team to discuss your organisation’s IR35 compliance needs.

The IR35 compliance tool from Qdos is intuitive and easy to use, and has provided Siemens with independent, expert assessments for all temporary workers, in one place.

Hamish Rogers

Compare IR35 tools

CEST is HMRC’s IR35 determination tool, Check Employment Status for Tax. It’s an optional online test which consists of a number of limited questions regarding a contractor’s IR35 status. 

Despite HMRC’s confidence in CEST, and even after several iterations over the years, IR35 experts remain unconvinced by the tool’s reliability. Following a report into IR35, the House of Lords described CEST as “not fit for purpose” and said it “falls well short of what is required.”

Relying solely on CEST to assess IR35 leaves businesses without expert support, guidance and additional services that businesses need to compliantly manage IR35 reform. 83% of engaging businesses we surveyed in November 2022 chose independent assessments or combined CEST results with independent assessments, but only 17% relied solely on CEST to make their determinations.

See how Qdos Status Review compares below:

  CEST  Qdos Status Review 
Does it include all recognised IR35
status tests? 
Cross Tick 

Does it provide free text fields so
more information and context can
be included?

Cross  Tick
Approach  Algorithm/digital logic Every submission is reviewed
independently by an expert
IR35 assessor 
How often is a definitive
determination given? 
80%  Always - 100% 
Does it include Tax Liability cover
for the fee-payer? 
Cross  Tick
Does this include a role
Cross  Tick
Does it include dispute
Cross  Tick
Are all parties included in the
determination process?
Does it encourage the contractual
chain to work together to come to
a solution?
Will there be a clear audit trail? No - Each CEST assessment
must be saved by the user
Yes - All assessments are
automatically saved in the
Status Review portal
Does it include the issue of status
determination statements?

Why Qdos?
We’re leading experts on employment status, introducing the first compliance tool for the off-payroll working rules (IR35 reform).

Our knowledge and experience of IR35 and the  contracting industry simply can’t be beaten.
With Qdos commercial services, you benefit from:
Bespoke solutions
We tailor our services to the specific needs of your organisation
Trusted insurance provider
We’re part of leading specialty insurance group, Tokio Marine HCC
Excellence in compliance
We didn’t win the Queen’s Award for Innovation for nothing!
Contractor browsing on mobile

More than IR35 compliance

Add Contractor Policy Check to your Status Review portal and we’ll take care of checking your contractors have the right business insurance in place, whilst you get on with their onboarding.

Have a question?

Book a discovery call with our team to find out what we can do for your business today

Prefer the old fashioned way?

Call our team on 0116 478 3390 or email